Loans For Home Improvement2021-05-24T19:53:34+00:00

For Residents looking to improve their homes:

Under its Housing Creation programs, the Eastham Affordable Housing Trust can provide funds to assist in the creation of new construction housing units, accessory dwelling units, seasonal to year-round property conversions and motel-to-affordable-housing conversions.

Under its Housing Emergency Loan Program (H.E.L.P.) program, assistance can be provided to property owners who wish to preserve the condition of their homes. Eligible repairs include leaky windows, doors, sliders; dangerous electrical wiring; failed plumbing systems; structural integrity. Loans with an interest rate of 0% are available up to $20,000. Funds are limited, so don’t delay.

Deferred 0% loans up to $20,000 are now available to income-qualified applicants

Examples of some of the eligible repairs:

  • Roofs
  • Windows
  • Siding
  • Heat and Hot Water Systems

Confirm you meet the following criteria:

  • Your name is on the deed.
  • Your primary residence is a single-family unit or you are creating new affordable year-round rental unit(s) to house income-qualified tenants.
  • Your total household income (all working adults 18+) does not exceed limits shown below per household size.*

*Total household income allowance per all household members (related or unrelated) including children.

Funds are limited and applications are on a first come first served basis.


Contact Martha Person, Housing Program Manager at 508-432-0015, ext. 102 or at


What is the Eastham Housing Emergency Loan program (H.E.L.P)?2021-05-24T19:55:21+00:00

H.E.L.P is a loan program for qualifying homeowners who need emergency home repairs, to correct health and safety failures or to increase overall energy efficiency for owner-occupied, year-round residences.  Housing preservation funds enable residents to continue to reside in their homes.


Funds are limited and applications are on a first come first served basis.

Contact Martha Person, Housing Program Coordinator at 508-432-0015, ext. 102 or at housing emergency program

What kinds of home improvements are eligible for assistance?2021-05-23T20:37:05+00:00

Housing preservation funds are available for repairs necessary to enable residents to continue to reside in their homes. Repairs to preserve affordable housing from injury or destruction include roof, siding and window replacements to assure water tightness, upgrading dangerous electrical or plumbing systems, repair/replace failed septic systems and installation of hard-wired smoke alarms and sprinklers.

For more information:

How does the interest free loan work?2020-10-17T18:38:45+00:00

The Board of Trustees has established the following funding guidelines for eligible activities:

• All financial transactions undertaken by the Trust where Community Preservation Act (CPA) funds are used must comply with the requirements of the Community Preservation Act (CPA).

• Funding for Preservation Program activities up to $25,000 per home will be provided in the form of a fifteen (15) year, 0% interest, forgivable mortgage that is recorded on the property at the Barnstable County Registry of Deeds. The mortgage shall be between the Trust and the homeowner. The mortgage shall be paid back to the Trust if the home is sold, transferred, refinanced to a reverse mortgage, or refinanced with a $50,000 or more equity cash out. If the home is sold or transferred to a family member, the mortgage may be transferred if the new owner is income-eligible.

• All affordable units created under the Rental Expansion Program must be deed restricted

• Development loans provided under the Rental Expansion Program are limited to up to $100,000 per unit. The Board of Trustees will determine the interest rate of between 0% and 3%, depending upon project feasibility. Payments will be deferred until the property is transferred unless the recipient is determined to be in violation of loan terms (allowances for extenuating circumstances, appeal process) in which case payments will be due. Any loan proceeds will be deposited into the Housing Trust Fund. All loans must be in the form of a mortgage against the property and may be subordinated to other project lenders. Deed riders for 10-15 years are required for projects where the loan is more than $20,000 per unit and required for at least 30 years or in perpetuity for loans of more than $50,000/unit.

What incentives are available to help lower my construction costs?2020-10-16T15:15:23+00:00

Eastham’s “Housing Help” program provides loans for Eastham residents to preserve the condition of their homes. Loans with a 0% interest are available up to $15,000. Examples of qualifying repairs include: leaky windows, doors, sliders; dangerous electrical wiring; failed plumbing systems; structural integrity concerns.


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